Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Tuesday Tune

Move over Nelly, I have a new favourite song about a baby elephant…

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Small Changes for Smoother Sailing

I’m not entirely sure whether it’s due to muscle weakness, shakiness or sheer brain-fog-induced-clumsiness, but one thing is for sure: I am always dropping things! Usually it’s a breakable item, and most often a glass. Not a huge problem in itself, but it contributes to the fear factor nonetheless and so in keeping with my ‘lets make life easier for myself’ motto I’m currently trying to embrace, I purchased 3 unbreakable tumblers. And not just any tumblers, pretty Orla Kiely designed ones!

It’s a new step for me, making a little change or purchase that makes my days easier, but I highly recommend it… and here are some more ideas…